Hola niñas! Hoy les traigo un nailart que hice por el Día de la Prevención del Cáncer de Mamas, el que se conmemoró el pasado 19 de Octubre, y por la Corrida por la Vida a la que asistí ese día. Como inspiración tome una de mis mas recientes compritas, el Hare Flight of the Flamingos, que usé en mi meñique. En mi dedo medio y anular hice un jelly sandwich con un rosa pastel y un glitter dorado sobre el cual estampé usando la placa BM-321 y un esmalte Mundo de Uñas (Mexican Pink, que misteriosamente cambió de color cuando le puse topcoat jaja). En mi índice (y pulgar, que no se ve en la foto) hice una "pond mani" que es básicamente un jelly sandwich repetitivo, usando You Drive me Coconuts de China Glaze y Papier Maché de Finger Paints (inspirado de este post de Adventures in Acetone). En fin espero les haya gustado, al final les dejo también una foto de la corrida, estrenando mi nuevo look. Gracias por leer!
Hello girls! Today I have a Breast Cancer Awareness to share with you, that I did recently for the BCA Running event that I attended on Sunday Oct. 19th. Let's go to the mani, then.
My new Hare was the inspiration for the mani, which I used for an accent on my pinkie. On my middle and ring finger I did a jelly sandwich with a sheer pastel pink and a gold glitter then stamped using BM 321 and Mundo de Uñas Mexican Pink (which interesting enough turned into a neon pink when I topcoated with Gelous). Finally on my ring finger I did a pond dotticure inspired by this one from Adventures in Acetone, using China Glaze You Drive me Coconuts and Finger Paints Papier Maché.
Overall, I'm really happy how this turned out. At first I was a bit bummed I didn't have a matching stamping polish, but then my MdU suddenly changed color with Gelous and it was a perfect match. Happy accident :) I haven't noticed this change of color with my usual topcoat (Essence Better than Gel Top Sealer).
The Running for Life event was my fourth 5k event. I'm still struggling to run the whole way, but getting better everyday. This was the first event I managed to convince a friend to attend with me, so yay for running buddies! Also new haircut, you like?
Anyway I hope you enjoyed today's post. Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!
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