Hola chicas! He estado pensando en expandir un poco mi blog, que hasta ahora ha sido exclusivamente de esmaltes y nail-art. Pero con mi afición a los esmaltes nació el interés por el maquillaje. No es que sea experta ni nada, pero me encantaría compartir este viaje de aprendizaje con ustedes, así que voy a empezar a postear reviews o "looks" ocasionalmente. Aún estoy trabajando en los detalles técnicos (porque sacarse fotos una misma con una dSLR no es tan fácil como parece jajaja) pero ya tengo algo listo para el próximo post, así que estén atentas por favor. Muchas gracias por leer!
Hi guys! Sorry it's been a bit quiet here. I am still doing my nails, but since it's winter, they're not in the best shape and I feel kinda ashamed to take pics (last post took forever to get done). Anyway, today's post is to let you know that I've been thinking about branching out this blog to other types of makeup beyond nail polish.
A couple years back I bit my nails very hard and had really low self-esteem. Letting my nails grow changed all that and, thanks to my love for nail polish, I started looking at other kinds of makeup. I am by no means an expert, but I'm always learning and I'd like to share my learning process with you guys.
I'm still working on the technical side of it. Taking self-portraits with a dSLR is not as easy as one might think LOL. But I already have something ready for my next post, so please stay tuned. Thanks for reading!
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